KölnTriangle, 29th Floor: Panorama-Platform
Otto-Platz 1, 50679 Köln

>> Show map
Date: Tuesday 29.09. - Wednesday 30.09.09
Arrival/Tent collection: 18:30
Talk with hosts: 21:00
Dismantling of tents/Departure: 9:00
Number of places available: 25
Facilities: Toilets and washing facilities
Closing time: 21:00

In Cologne, there have been controversial discussions for years regarding high-rise buildings. The city originally wanted to build four office towers, up to 120m in height, along the Rhine opposite the Dom. During construction, UNESCO threatened to withdraw the cathedral's World Heritage status, citing the construction of the KölnTriangle as the reason, since they claimed it threatened the effect of the Dom. The council then revised its plans of further construction in Köln-Deutz. The only building that was realised was the 2004 KölnTriangle , which has a panorama platform only a few centimetres lower than the viewpoint from the Dom's tower, and is thus known as the 'bow before the Dom'.